reviews: 5/5

Création de société à Hong Kong
Choisissez ATHENASIA pour créer sans effort votre entreprise à Hong Kong et entièrement à distance. Nous nous chargeons des formalités administratives afin que vous concentriez sur le développement de votre activité. Notre promesse? Des tarifs clairs et un accompagnement par une équipe professionnelle et dévouée.
Lancez-vous dans l'aventure entrepreneuriale sans effort - nous pouvons constituer votre société à Hong Kong à distance, en gérant toutes les formalités complexes pour vous.
Procédure 100% à distance, nous gérons les formalités
Débutez votre projet d'entreprise rapidement avec nous. Création de société en quelques jours, avec service d'accompagnement et de conseil à chaque étape.
Création d'entreprise en quelques jours
Vous avez besoin d'un compte société? Confiez la demande de compte FinTech à notre équipe d'experts
Demande de compte auprès d'une Fintech gratuite
Enregistrement de société à Hong Kong avec ATHENASIA

Création de Société à Hong Kong
HKD 10,800
Une solution clé en main pour créer votre société à Hong Kong. Nous fournissons tout ce dont vous avez besoin et cela inclus:
Paiement des frais gouvernementaux (Constitution et Enregistrement)
Dépôt des documents de création (NNC1-IRB1)
Boîte verte ou eco box (+ frais d'expédition)
1 an de Secrétariat d'entreprise et d'adresse de domiciliation
Demande de compte chez une Fintech partenaire gratuire
Boîte verte virtuelle gratuite
Nos tarifs
Le forfait Création d'entreprise vous permet de créer votre société et démarrer votre activité. Nos tarifs transparents incluent tous les frais gouvernementaux.
Conseiller certifié XERO
Expertise en intégration avec Amazon

Nos tarifs
Le forfait Création d'entreprise vous permet de créer votre société et démarrer votre activité. Nos tarifs transparents incluent tous les frais gouvernementaux.

Une solution clé en main pour créer votre société à Hong Kong. Nous fournissons tout ce dont vous avez besoin et cela inclus:
Paiement des frais gouvernementaux (Constitution et Enregistrement)
Dépôt des documents de création (NNC1-IRB1)
1 an de Secrétariat d'entreprise et d'adresse de domiciliation
1 an de Secrétariat d'entreprise et d'adresse de domiciliation
Boîte verte ou eco box (+ frais d'expédition)
Boîte verte virtuelle gratuite
Demande de compte chez une Fintech partenaire gratuire

En quoi ATHENASIA se différencie ?
12+ ans d'expérience
1 000+ clients à travers le monde
Aucuns frais cachés - nos services d'incorporation à Hong Kong sont 100% transparents avec tarifs complets
Cette approche a gagné la confiance des clients, de nombreuses recommandations, et des "clients indécis"...
Service client boutique
Prix compétitifs
Vraiment abordable
Demande bancaire fintech gratuite
Demande offshore gratuite

Besoin d'une banque traditionnelle pour votre entreprise hongkongaise ? ATHENASIA collabore avec les meilleures banques locales.
Ouvrir compte bancaire
L'ouverture d'un compte bancaire est simple pour résidents et complexe pour non-résidents.
Notre service bancaire pour expatriés et non-résidents HK comprend une assistance personnelle, la gestion des formalités et une garantie de succès ou remboursement.
Compte bancaire à Hong Kong

Foire Aux Questions
Parcourez notre FAQ ou contactez-nous gratuitement.
How long does the incorporation of a Hong Kong company take?With us, you can expect the procedure to take around 2 to 3 working days. We do not have a slow or express option with our HK company formation services, as we will always work as fast as we can. Generally, the company will be setup in 1 day but then we have to wait for the green box. Please note that the government doesn’t work during weekends and public holidays.
Will you get me a bank account?We cannot promise the bank account opening, but if you are an HK resident it is quite easy to open an account with a local bank. For non-residents, there are several other options. Either set up an account offshore (Mauritius for example) and/or work with an MSO (Money Service Operator) that offers you the same service as a bank in terms of holding your deposit and enabling your transaction (in HKD or Forex). Contact us for more info. Unless you carry out a risky business in a risky jurisdiction, these are pretty easy to get. Examples include Neat, Currenxie, Statrys, Airwallex, and more.
Can i sponsor my visa with my company?No, you won’t be able to get a working visa from your company. If you want a visa you will have to apply for a Business Investment Visa. We can put you in touch with an expert for more information.
One of your competitors is charging HKD 800 for the company setup, so why are you charging that much?With an HKD 800 fee, it is impossible to get a full package because even the government fees alone are about HKD 4,000 (Sometimes the government waves the BR, but you still have an Incorporation certification fee of HKD 1,720 + a levy of HKD 250) We choose to give our clients the “full price” from the very beginning so that they know exactly how much our Hong Kong incorporation services will cost them. Some of our competitors prefer to attract clients with a really low entry price that they generally call “the cost of their service”, but after this charge all the rest independently (which generally includes markup as well). The issue is that you never know how much the company incorporation process will cost you. Our package even includes the registered address, company secretary, AML-CTF check and SCR (Significant Controllers Register). Our clients tend to value transparency and like to know the cost upfront without hiding anything. We are even one of the really few consultants that inform you of the ongoing costs of your Hong Kong company (Maintenance and yearly accounting).
I want to open an offshore company and pay 0% taxUnfortunately, there is no such thing as an “offshore company” in Hong Kong. No matter you are in or out of Hong Kong you will operate with the same structure a “Limited Company”. Now, what is possible is to claim offshore tax exemption on your profit under the argument that your profit has been realized exclusively outside Hong Kong (You have no operations, no contract signed, basically nothing in Hong Kong). In this case, you won’t have to pay tax in Hong Kong. But be careful – this is not the equivalent of paying 0% tax. It just means your profit has not been taxed YET. Please keep in mind that claiming the offshore tax exemption can be costly, and there is no guarantee. Furthermore, by proving you have no substance in Hong Kong (No permanent establishment, no operations, no sales…) you let the door open for other jurisdictions to ask you to pay corporate tax on your profit in their countries. We advise you to have a good international tax lawyer if you want to go down this path.
I don't live in Hong Kong. Can i open a company here?Yes! You don’t have to be a resident to open a company in Hong Kong.
What is the corporate tax rate in Hong Kong?Hong Kong has a 2 tiers tax system for corporate tax. 8.25% for the first HKD 2 million profit (meaning after deducting expenses from your revenues) per year and 16.5% on any remaining amount thereafter. For your information, there is no GST/VAT in Hong Kong (Careful if you sell in other jurisdictions), no tax on dividends (but be mindful if you live in a jurisdiction that tax foreign income), and personal tax is progressive and capped at 15%.
I didn’t do anything with the business. Should I still do the audit?Yes, you should! The only exception is if you really haven’t done anything at all – not a single transaction. For example, you didn’t open a bank account, and you didn’t sell nor buy anything. In this case, you can file a notice of a non-commencement of business. Otherwise, you have to do your accounting and get it audited by a practicing CPA.
What is the difference between the accounting and auditing?The accountant is putting your accounts together to reflect the financial performance of your business. The auditor is a third party that will check that the accountant did a good job. This is why they have to be different people. We partner with other company auditing services, so you just have to work with us, and we will handle everything for you.
What is the tax rate in Hong Kong?Hong Kong has a 2-tier tax system for corporate tax. 8.25% for the first HKD 2 million profit (meaning after deducting expenses from your revenues) per year and 16.5% on the remaining amount. For your information, there is no GST/VAT in Hong Kong (But be careful if you sell in other jurisdictions), no tax on dividends (careful if you live in a jurisdiction that tax foreign income), and personal tax is progressive and capped at 15%.
Should I claim offshore tax exemption?Although we can help you with the process, we normally do not advise our clients to apply for offshore tax exemption because: Be careful! The offshore tax exemption is not the equivalent of paying 0% tax. It just means your profit has not been taxed YET. Please keep in mind that claiming the offshore tax exemption can be costly and there is no guarantee. Furthermore, by proving you have no substance in Hong Kong (No permanent establishment, no operations, no sales…) you let the door open for other jurisdictions to ask you to pay corporate tax on your profit in their countries. We advise you to have a good international tax lawyer if you want to go on this path. If you have this all covered! Sure we can help you with the application.
reviews: 5/5

Partenaire de confiance
Nous avons accompagné plus de 1000 clients dans leurs projets aux quatre coins du globe. Nos gestionnaires de compte dédiés ont joué un role clé pour les sociétés qui au delà du service rendu, cherchaient de véritables partenaires.

Heures de bureau
9:00a.m - 6:00p.m HKT
+852 3706 5996
Numéro de téléphone
Adresse email
2301, 23F Bayfield Building, 99 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Comment pouvons-nous vous aider?
Prêt à rejoindre les rangs de plus de 1 000 clients satisfaits du monde entier ? Chez Athenasia, nos dévoués gestionnaires de comptes sont plus que de simples prestataires de services: ils sont les partenaires de votre réussite.

reviews: 5/5

Constitution de société à Hong Kong
Choisissez ATHENASIA pour créer sans effort votre entreprise à Hong Kong, entièrement à distance. Nous nous chargeons des formalités administratives tandis que vous développez votre activité. Tarifs clairs, accompagnement par des professionnels chevronnés.
My company has been using Athenasia over the last few years and we can't recommend them enough.
This company was recommended at that time by a friend and I would strongly recommend you to try their services.
Thomas Colinet
Athenasia delivers an outstanding service to my company uHey Limited.